Construction 4.0 Strategic Plan 2021-2025 - A Decisive maneuver to embrace the Industry Revolution 4.0
The IMD World Digital Competitiveness Ranking and The Global Innovation Index 2021 captures the innovation ecosystem performance of 132 economies and tracks the most recent global innovation trends and The World Economic Forum's Global Competitiveness Report.

As the presence of overarching industrial transformation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution ( IR 4.0) embraced across the globe, Malaysia marked its participation in the industrial transformational race with impressive presence.

Ranked as one of the mostly promising countries with impressive potential by global agencies, Malaysia is consistently shaping its future as one of the leaders in the digital era.

Tussling with global economic disruptions from the pandemic and global political events, the national construction industry would need to leverage on its momentum to remain ever productive and competitive, and the Construction 4.0 Strategic Plan (2021-2025) is how Malaysia is answering to the challenge.

The Construction 4.0 Strategic Plan (2021-2025) is designed to align to the Shared Prosperity Vision 2030 (SPV 2030), the implementation of the National Policy on the IR 4.0 (Industry4WRD) as well as the National Internet of Things (IoT) Strategic Roadmap, the Malaysia Smart City Framework and the Digital Economy Blueprint, among others.


The harmonious alignment of the Construction 4.0 Strategic Plan (2021-2025) with other initiatives of the nation imbue harmonious concordances of the vision and mission of the industry stakeholders.

Defined as the process to implement modern technology to encourage the digitization of the construction industry and its supply chain, Construction Strategic Plan 4.0 also defines the transformation of the construction industry towards the Fourth Industrial Revolution, from automated production to a greater level of digitalization. Although all the revolutions were defined by innovation, the most significance impact is on humanity and society.

Fast moving periods of technological and industrialization have created tectonic shifts throughout any industry, especially the construction industry. As such, a progressive change of practice and mindset among the national industry stakeholders are therefore quintessential in fulfilling the integrative demands of both concepts.

Phases of Industrial Revolution; The first three industrial revolutions were resulted from series of mechanisation driven by water and steam power, use of mass labor, electrical energy, electronic, automated production whilst the fourth industrial revolution is powered by the real and virtual world seamlessly connected conjuring what is known as the cyber-physical production systems

A glance on the Construction 4.0 Strategic Plan 2021-2025 shows multitude of working components consisting of critical components of the national construction industry, future and existing.

In order to realise the potential and benefits of Construction 4.0, a five-year strategic plan was developed in collaboration with multiple stakeholders in the construction industry.

Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB)

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