BIM Resource Network

The BIM Resource Network is a local reference platform supported by CIDB Malaysia, which serves  as a comprehensive data bank for construction industry professionals who utilize Building Information Modeling (BIM).

The establishment of the BIM Resource Network was initiated by CIDB in 2019. Its primary objective is to streamline the process of finding consultants and contractors who possess the necessary expertise and proficiency in BIM. This platform serves as a valuable resource for individuals and organizations wishing to showcase their experience, skills and expertise in order to acquire recognition and awareness in the industry.

By connecting BIM practitioners with potential clients and partners, the network opens up new business opportunities and facilitates professional networking. This not only benefits individual consultants and contractors but also contributes to the advancement of the construction industry as a whole, fostering a vibrant ecosystem of BIM-enabled projects and collaborations.

Expand Your Horizon with BIM Resource Network

New contacts and business opportunities, with inspiring industry news, and exciting career opportunities.

Register as a Group Account and unlock exciting opportunities!!! Join us today.

Career Opportunities

Looking for a job related to BIM? Browse the jobs listed by our members of BIM Resource Network.

Oops! We're just getting started and there is no career opportunity at the moment. Stay tuned!

Offered Services

Looking for agencies that offers BIM related services? Browse the service offerings from members of our BIM Resource Network.

Oops! We're just getting started and there is no offered services at the moment. Stay tuned!

Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB)

Tingkat 10, Menara Dato Onn,

Pusat Dagangan Dunia (WTC),

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Tel: 0340477000


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