Road To Construction 4.0: Are Malaysian Construction Industry Up For It?

The construction industry is acknowledged as one of the main drivers of Malaysia’s economic growth. However, it continues to be operating in conventional ways, which has hampered the effort made for it to become a world-class player. There is a high need for Malaysian industry players to embrace digital technologies for their growth.

In line with rapid technological progress, the Ministry of Works Malaysia or Kementerian Kerja Raya (KKR), through the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) and in collaboration with parties with interests in the construction industry, has developed a Construction Strategy Plan 4.0 (2021–2025) to achieve the aspiration of transforming the Malaysian construction industry into a more competitive and productive sector.

This is CIDB’s short-term plan, which will be implemented within a five-year period. It will be a basis to devise a programme to improve the ability of the construction industry in the new millennium. This strategic plan is developed in line with the Wawasan Kemakmuran Bersama (WKB) 2030 or Shared Prosperity Vision 2030 agenda and National Industry 4.0 Policy (Industry4WRD). It also supports and complements other national policies, including the National Internet of Things (IoT) Strategic Roadmap, the Malaysian Smart City Framework, and the Digital Economy Policy.

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Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB)

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